Our minimal administrative fees support the overall mission of the Community Foundation of West Georgia – to engage people, connect resources, and inspire solutions to build community. They enable us to serve both our donors and our community well.
Fees cover all costs associated with fund support and administration including receipt and tax acknowledgement of contributions, grant processing, investment oversight and an array of personalized giving services.
In addition to supporting donor services, Community Foundation fees strengthen our capacity to serve our community and simplify the work of nonprofits serving a broad spectrum of local needs. They allow us to commission data and research on the critical needs of our state, engage in leadership initiatives around important local causes, and serve the unique needs of Carroll, Haralson and Heard Counties.
As a nonprofit grantmaking organization (rather than a for-profit investment firm), the Community Foundation does not profit from our services. Our shareholders are West Georgia citizens themselves. When choosing us as a giving partner, donors can take comfort in knowing their support is being leveraged and multiplied for the good of our state’s communities.
2.5% of gift value or donation to the operating fund.
Assessment frequency: Once per gift.
Assessment timing: Fees on non-invested gifts will be assessed at the time gift is received into the fund.
Other: In general, interest income will be added to the operating fund of the Community Foundation.
Annual Rate:
Fund Balance: $1,000,000 or less - 1.25%
Fund Balance: $1,000,000 or more - 1.00%
Assessment frequency: Quarterly
Assessment method: Contribution rates are per annum and will be assessed quarterly as follows:
1/4 of the rate times the quarterly average market value of the fund.
Existing funds will remain at the fee assessment at the time of the fund agreement.